For those with a sweet tooth, it may be hard to resist a delicious piece of black licorice. However, it might come as a surprise to find that licorice can actually be more than just a sweet treat — it can be quite beneficial to the body.
Just as there are health benefits that come from consuming ginger, there are a number of areas of the body that can be helped by a little bit of licorice.
According to, “For hundreds of years, the extract root of the licorice plant, from which the flavoring is derived, has been used in traditional medicine, and continues to be used today for a variety of medicinal applications.”
I couldn’t believe just how many positive health effects licorice can have — from battling heartburn, to combating eczema, to aiding in digestion, to fighting certain types of cancer!
Scroll through below for this exclusive look at how licorice can help you improve your health.
Will you be adding a little more licorice to your diet? Let us know in the comments!
To Licorice, Or Not To Licorice, That Is The Question...
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
For hundreds of years, licorice root has been used for medicinal purposes. It can be enjoyed as licorice candy, licorice root tea, or mixed with water in powder form.
However, eating too much licorice can actually have negative side effects, like potentially leading to heart or blood pressure problems.
According to, “Used in moderation, licorice can be an effective treatment for a variety of ailments and health issues.”
If you ever have any questions, make sure to consult your doctor.
Keep scrolling to see how licorice can help improve your health!
1. Licorice Helps The Stomach
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
The stomach is just one of the many parts of the body that benefit from consuming licorice root.
According to WebMD, it can be used to help treat “stomach ulcers… and ongoing inflammation of the stomach (chronic gastritis).”
2. Licorice Helps The Skin
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Those suffering from major skin issues may want to talk to their doctor about including more licorice in their diet. writes, “Topical gels including licorice are recommended for the treatment of eczema. Licorice is often used as a successful dermatological treatment due to its antibacterial properties.”
3. Licorice Helps The Hair
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Many also recommend using licorice to improve hair health, and to fight off baldness. writes: “Licorice root can be essential in the prevention of hair loss. Licorice root has mollifying properties and this can help open up the pores of the scalp. This can also help reduce scalp redness and irritation that might be causing hair loss.”
They suggest creating a paste of licorice root powder, milk, and saffron, and using it on the scalp overnight.
4. Licorice Helps The Kidneys
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
For those suffering from kidney problems, licorice is actually not recommended, as it can have a negative effect. However, for the rest of us, it can be beneficial.
According to, “Licorice tea is good for helping with the production of estrogen in the body, which can be beneficial for the health of the kidneys.”
The most important thing for those looking to improve their kidney health is to consult a doctor about the potential benefits of licorice.
5. Licorice Helps The Joints
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Those suffering from joint pain should consider adding a small amount of licorice root to their diets. writes: “Licorice acts much like your body’s own natural corticosteroids, which reduce inflammation… It supports the body’s release of cortisol, which suppresses the immune system and eases pain and frequency of arthritis flare-ups.”
6. Licorice Helps The Chest
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Licorice can also be great for colds and minor respiratory infections through the production of “healthy mucus.”
According to, “The production of clean, healthy phlegm keeps the respiratory system functioning without old, sticky mucus clogging it up.”
7. Licorice Helps The Throat And Mouth
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Because of its antibacterial properties, licorice can be used to fight off infections and sores in the mouth and throat.
According to “Gargle with a solution of licorice root powder and purified water to help relieve the discomfort of a sore throat and mouth sores. Dab a bit of powder on your canker sore to relieve pain and shorten the healing time.”
8. Licorice Helps The Intestines And Bladder
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
Licorice can also be helpful for all parts of the digestive system.
According to “Licorice may also relieve symptoms of indigestion, and may be helpful in treating gastro-esophageal reflux disorder, or GERD. Licorice extract is sometimes used together with peppermint and chamomile to help ease gastrointestinal problems.”
9. Licorice Helps The Ovaries
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
There are several licorice-related health benefits that affect women only, such as helping with menstruation or menopause problems. But it also can be helpful for women suffering from ovarian cysts.
According to “Licorice tea may help in treating fertility problems in women caused due to hormonal irregularities such as polycystic ovaries… It is effective in normalizing irregular menstruation, helps in the restoration of regular ovulation, and encourages conception.”
10. Licorice Helps The Prostate
Maya Borenstein for LittleThings
In combination with other herbs, some suggest using licorice to combat prostate cancer.
According to, “Research suggests that it may help inhibit tumor formations and kill cancer cells.”
And according to WebMD, it has been of particular use in fighting against cancer of the prostate.
The potential health benefits of licorice are quite extensive. However, as with anything, it is important to consult your doctor to see if a diet that includes licorice would be beneficial to you.
Have you ever heard of these licorice benefits before? What other easy all-natural remedies have you tried? Let us know in the comments.
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